Many of our Doggie Daycare guests try to make multiple visits per week, providing excellent social interaction for these pets. Frequency of visits depends on how quickly your pet socially adapts to the daycare setting. Initially, we recommend trying to be consistent with the days of the week your pet will attend daycare. This enables your dog to begin making friends, become comfortable with their environment, and reduce anxiety during the introductory period. Interacting with the same dogs every week can be a lot less stressful and much more fun for your pet! Once established, your canine friend can visit as often as you would like.

- Specially trained staff to monitor the environment closely, in order to make sure that play and socialization are safe
- Comfortable lounging areas
- Soft, rubberized flooring
- Outdoor artificial turf that helps keep pets clean
- Indoor play equipment and toys
- Outdoor play equipment
- In-ground “bone-shaped” splash pools

- $34 – Doggie Daycare
- $21 – Doggie Daycare 1/2 Day
- $310 – Doggie Daycare 10 visits (savings $30)
- $680 – Doggie Daycare 24 visits (savings $136)
- $16 – Lazy River Swim Field Trip (Seasonal, weather permitting)
- $30 – Doggie Daycare full day with lodging
- $21 – Pal Time – 4 hours of play with friends
- $16 – Senior Social – 2 hours of play with friends
- $20 – Nature Walk 1/4 mile per session
- $20 – Senior Stroll
- $38 – Adventure Hike
- $30 – Lazy River Pool time 20 minutes per session
- $14 – Playtime 10-15 minutes per session
- $11 – Playtime additional pets together per session